Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Feeling blue

I miss my job more than anything else in this world. Losing my job has really threw a wrench in my life. Not just financially, but emotionally. My heart breaks when I drive past the daycare. I drive past there often since I can't stand to just sit at home and I go visit my brothers alot. The daycare is between my house and theirs.

I want to stop so bad and visit my babies. I know if I walked in their room I would hear in unison from about 9-16 kids, depending on the classsroom, say , " Mrs. Amy!". I would just break down and cry. I have lost jobs in the past..... but, this one, is killing me. Not, only, did I know I was doing my job well, I loved my job. I never had that thought of, " oh man, I gotta go to work today".... I loved going to work. At first, I hated getting up early, but, after a while, I knew those kids were depending on me to be there. And I depended on them to make me smile. Working with kids is the greatest joy in this world. To see those smiles, hear those belly laughs, get those hugs, give those hugs, just to see such innocence in their eyes and hearts... makes me happy.

I will forever miss them and I would give anything to be able to stop by and see them.

I love you babies. I know you probably not see this, but it feels good to get it out.

Mrs. Amy