Monday, May 25, 2009

Past Due

I know it has been a while since I last posted anything, but, with everything that went on with Misti, it was hard to focus for a while.

But, now I am getting back on track and moving forward.

Summer is here which is good news for all the school teachers and students but not such good news for me.... Now, at work, I get to prepare lunch for extra kids each day. All the after school kids that normally ate lunch at school, now get to eat at daycare.

First, let me say hats off to the teachers from New Hope that have children enrolled at ABC & Me that have pulled their children for the summer. It shows how much you love them and enjoy your time with them. I will miss them all. But, I am looking forward to seeing them again in the fall.

A long time employee of ABC & Me has left us.

Ms. Sheri Lopez worked with us for 9 years. She has decided to move to Texas to be close to her mom and family. I understand her move but, she, Michael Wayne, and Mylee will be dearly missed. The babies were lucky to have her as their teacher and I don't think anyone will ever be able to fill her shoes.

I love you Sheri.

Two of my favorite babies from daycare will also be greatly missed. Philip O'Bryant: the cutest little red head you have ever seen in you life, is out for the summer to spend time with his mom and sister. I am jealous of them. Philip is a great kid with a big smile and a sweet little country accent that would melt your heart. He is one of those that is too cute to get mad at. I love you Phil man and I can't wait for you to come back.

Next, Emma O'Bryant: This sweet little punkin head has left the daycare for good. She is going to daycamp at Propst Park this summer and then on to "big school" in the fall. She has outgrown daycare. I will miss you Emma O. I love you so much and will miss my morning "huggies" every day. I hope you enjoy daycamp with Anna Kate and come visit me soon.

Sorry it has been so long since I posted, but I will try to do better.


  1. I am so going to miss Sheri!! You are so sweet to my boy, he has asked so many times about daycare. I think he missing Mrs. Amy's hugs every morning! Thanks for taking such good care of him!

  2. You are very welcome Amanda. I love Phil Man so much. He is a sweet child with a huge heart. He is being raised the right way. There should be more parents like you and Kevin. And more sisters like Abbey.

  3. It's about time you updated! Thanks for always being so sweet to Hunter too!

  4. You are very welcome also Samantha! There is just something about those two boys. They are the sweetest little things in the world. I know they have their moments, I have seen them, but most of the time, they are loving, and considerate of others. Great job Amanda and Samantha and Kevin and Brandon! Pat yourselves on the back and enjoy them now before they "outgrow" you. My daughter comes home about once a week for an hour or two to do laundry, and then gone again. She looks at me crazy when I snuggle with her. I miss her being young.
